call mintrandomX()

How to call mintrandomX(), the function to call mint ETI

1. Inputs

Here is the list of inputs you will need to call mintrandomX()

For reminder here is how to retrieve information from Etica Smart Contract

Read Etica Smart Contract

nonce: nonce submited by miner
blockHeader: current generic randomxBlob
currentChallenge: current challengeNumber
randomxHash: randomx hash result submited by miner 
claimedTarget: must be a target at least lower than current Network target
seedHash: current seedHash
extraNonce: the miner extraNonce that was used to create the miner's blob

Call example

var mintMethod = tokenContract.methods.mintrandomX( nonce, randomx_blob, challenge_number, randomxhash, claimedtarget, randomx_seedhash, extraNonce )

    var txCount = await web3.eth.getTransactionCount(addressFrom);
   } catch(error) {
     return error;

// make sure that are in 0x format:
const _nonce = randomxHelper.convertAdd0x(nonce);
const _extraNonce = randomxHelper.convertAdd0x(extraNonce);

var txData = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall({
            name: 'mintrandomX',
            type: 'function',
            inputs: [{
                type: 'bytes4',
                name: 'nonce'
                type: 'bytes',
                name: 'blockHeader'
              type: 'bytes32',
              name: 'currentChallenge'
              type: 'bytes',
              name: 'randomxHash'
              type: 'uint256',
              name: 'claimedTarget'
              type: 'bytes',
              name: 'seedHash'
              type: 'bytes8',
              name: 'extraNonce'
        }, [_nonce, randomx_blob, challenge_number, randomxhash, claimedtarget, randomx_seedhash, _extraNonce ]);
    // Use fixed gas cost values (these are random values that work but they can be optimised):    
    var max_gas_cost = 999000;
    var estimatedGasCost = 300000;
    const txOptions = {
      nonce: web3utils.toHex(txCount),
      gas: web3utils.toHex(estimatedGasCost),
      gasPrice: 200000000000,
      value: 0,
      to: addressTo,
      from: addressFrom,
      data: txData
      console.log('-------------- SUBMITING MINING TRANSACTION a4------------');
      txResult= await TransactionHelper.sendSignedRawTransactionSimple(web3,txOptions,addressFrom,privateKey);      
      return {success:true,txResult: txResult}
    } catch(error){
    //handle error, 
    // If there is an issue it means the node doesn't accept the nonce, it can be an invalid nonce or target
    // It is also possible it is due to normal tx failures like not enough gas
    // If you're sure of the nonce validity, you can implement an auto-retry submit with different gas values
    static async sendSignedRawTransactionSimple(web3,txOptions,addressFrom,pKey){
          let signedTx = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(txOptions, pKey, function (error, signedTx) {
            if (error) {
            // handle error
            } else {
          let submittedTx = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                .on('transactionHash', (txHash) => {
                  console.log('on tx hash: ', txHash)
                  resolve({success:true, txHash: txHash})
                .on('error', (reason) => {
                  console.log('error tx rejected by node');
                  console.log('error tx rejected by node, reason is: ', reason);
                  reject({success:false, reason: reason})
              return submittedTx

Important The implementation of mintrandomX() doesn't allow to call estimateGas() cost, it needs to be called directly. For instance following estimateGas cannot be called for mintrandomX():

estimatedGasCost = await mintMethod.estimateGas({gas: max_gas_cost, gasPrice:1000000000, from:addressFrom, to:addressTo });

Last updated