Pool/Miners communications

Stratum communication methods

Pool needs a stratum server running

Here are the methods that miners and pool use to communicate


(Miner to Pool):
id: 1,
jsonrpc: '2.0',
method: 'login',
params: {
login: '0x5f64108cCabE790207d09F514DB76F659E9aa8eb',
pass: 'x',
agent: 'XMRig/6.21.3 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) libuv/1.48.0 msvc/2019',
algo: [
'rx/0',          'cn/2',
'cn/r',          'cn/fast',
'cn/half',       'cn/xao',
'cn/rto',        'cn/rwz',
'cn/zls',        'cn/double',
'cn/ccx',        'cn-lite/1',
'cn-heavy/0',    'cn-heavy/tube',
'cn-heavy/xhv',  'cn-pico',
'cn-pico/tlo',   'cn/upx2',
'cn/1',          'rx/wow',
'rx/arq',        'rx/graft',
'rx/sfx',        'rx/keva',
'argon2/chukwa', 'argon2/chukwav2',
'argon2/ninja',  'ghostrider'
(Pool response to Miner login):
id: 1,
jsonrpc: '2.0',
result: {
id: '1',
job: {
blob: 'afe2594d58c7a2924a87f456030f650e254f46fd7b86dc816ae4f4fe136f768b9d20b952fa2aa0671fb67149feafecd781c112bc1bc5230a8e1b6d600ad606770fe3576c5403491c40d31eb4657bc560',
job_id: '1',
target: '8b4f0100',
height: 18,
seed_hash: '6c04e936f063050f70b86c024b637335dd48c98bd47803a880e2f3bbdaf09642'
status: 'OK'
error: null

how to get the data

job_id: must be string can contain letters blob: for miner blob construction please read the BASICS sections Blob, Nonce and Reserved Space. Read Etica Smart Contract

seed_hash: is a global variable Read Etica Smart Contract

height: is the current ETI block height Read Etica Smart Contract

target: it's a target not difficulty, check this page for details Target

Submit Share

(Miner to Pool):

jsonrpc: '2.0', 
method: 'submit', 
id: '1',
job_id: '1',
nonce: '91d20171',
result: '436f54becf6abc2aba5b7a804464dcce9db0696b7222554b905c977cd6d50000'

nonce: the 4bytes nonce solution result: the 32bytes randomX hash result

(Pool response to Miner submit share):

Valid share:
    result: {
        status: "OK"
    id: interactionId

Invalid share:
            id: interactionId,
            result: null,
            error: error
where interactionId correspond to the params.id sent by miner
and error is a string error meassage

Send Job

sends new job to miner

(Pool to Miner)
jsonrpc: '2.0', 
method: 'job', 
params:{ blob:'da4670bae10db93a46fad64b14d091189cafa19f61674963f2f2d635b4f2a812685f828da7adb7de554b4090363931bde43a6042eafd6197fbf4866191c9e845ae615393f941f4bb9f92b7ed537c2fb7',  
target: '8b4f0100', 
 job_id: '2', 
height: 19, 
algo: 'rx/0'

how to get the data

job_id: must be string can contain letters blob: for miner blob construction please read the BASICS sections Blob, Nonce and Reserved Space. Blob

seed_hash: is a global variable Read Etica Smart Contract

height: is the current ETI block height Read Etica Smart Contract

algo: 'rx/0' (it's a zero not O) corresponds to randomX algo

Last updated